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标题: 北条司访谈系列 专辑一
Rank: 1

UID 1702
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注册 2007-4-3
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发表于 2007-6-18 14:30  资料  短消息  加为好友 
北条司访谈系列 专辑一

北条司访谈系列 专辑一


June 18 2007


                                                                     北条的专访      By      城市猎猫
                                                  ……老北一篇少见的访谈      By      香良
                                                   北条司访谈系列 专辑一       By      CatNj
                                                   北条司访谈系列 专辑二       By      CatNj

专辑一:ANIMATES EXPO 2002 访谈翻译稿

为了推广作品,北条会参与在美国举办的漫画展。下面是ANIMATES EXPO 2002的内容。


时间:04/07/2002 - 07/07/2002
地点:Los Angeles (the USA)
         Length Beach Convention Center, Long Beach Hyatt and Long Beach Westin
资料来源:  Angelus City,Mick42,NJ

Anime Expo 是美国最早的也是最重要的关于日本动漫的会展。
在会展开幕式时北条未能及时赶到,但是北条制作了一个动画短篇在开幕式上播放,在这个短片中,北条在新宿一间咖啡厅中看着窗外熙攘的人群,随后走向Coamix 大楼,在那里北条看到了原 哲夫 和阿建,然后北条意识到自己要参加Anime Expo而且快要迟到,只好叫了一辆出租车,说:“Expo Animates, 快!”这段短篇效果非常成功。

下面是一段北条当时(Animates Expo 2002)的留言

随着Raijin Comics在美国的发行,我的漫画即将这本周刊上与美国读者见面。对此我非常兴奋,也十分荣幸。我对这本杂志和《城市猎人》都投入了相当的心血,我相信美国的读者们会喜欢它们。我对美国并不陌生,以前我曾来这里进行访问、研究枪械,也曾在商业学校里学习射击。在《城市猎人》中你们会发现所有武器的描绘、使用、情景都是有着很坚实的事实基础的。我在这部作品上投入了8年的时间和极大的精力以确保故事本身以及众多角色都能够符合读者的口味和期望。我希望美国的读者们能够欣赏我的作品,并把接受日式漫画为新的娱乐内容。我与大家的这次聚会将是令人愉快的,我希望我的作品,当然也包括其他在Raijin刊登的作品能够感动每一位读者。

北条司,2002年7月30号 于东京


English message

“With the launching of Raijin Comics, I very excited and am honoured with my manga to have published one in a weekly magazine in the United States. I invested my heart and my heart in City Hunter and I am trustful that American in love with manga will appreciate my work. I travelled to US, visiting and leading my research in the American school of training of mercenaries and involving me to the shooting range. You will notice that the details minor of this work are a faithful image of how the weapons with fire are used and handled. City Hunter is a work which I carried out and finished in the 8 years space. I spent innumerable hours ensuring me that the history and the characters were with the taste of the readers. I hope that the American assistantship will come from there to appreciate my work and the manga like a new type of entertainment. I anticipate the day with pleasure when I will meet you with the US one. I hope that my work, as well as the others manga of Raijin, will touch many readers.” Tsukasa HÔJÔ, Tokyo, 30/07/2002

Source: NJ


[Q:] In addition to observing people, there another source of inspiration or another research which you make for your work, City Hunter or Cat' S Eye?

[R: Nobuhiko Horie] Hojo san is in fact photo hobbyist. It takes a number impressing of photographs at the time of its voyages. But, there must be very few us of it, if not one is as small as that.

[R: Tsukasa Hojo] Hum… in fact, I need to have people in my photographs of landscape to have an idea of scale. (Laughter of the audience)

[R: Nobuhiko Horie] the use of photographs is rather important. For example, much of young people mangaka do not know with what a kimono resembles and base themselves on photographs. One would find mannequins to wear a kimono and one would take photographs of various installations. One takes many photographs for reference.

[Q:] Tsukase Hojo, you have a new series, Angel Heart. How long do you intend to continue it? Will you do one of them animates?

[R: Tsukasa Hojo] Ca will depend on its popularity.

[R: Nobuhiko Horie] As many manga which was changed animates some, Dragonball was not in fact not so popular in the first times and one thought of the manner of improving it, when the series became popular after the episodes of the contests of martial arts. Dr. Slump and Hokuto No Ken were the 2 only manga of which animate them were popular immediately. Dragonball had a little room for manoeuvre thanks to the success of Dr. Slump.

[Q:] Akira Kamiya, how much voice Ryô really have?
神谷 明,RYO到底有多少种声音呢?

[R: Akira Kamiya] Ryô has 4 votes. Let to me show you.

[Q:] Which your source of inspiration or your research for the scenes D " action of City Hunter and Cat' S Eye?

[R: Tsukasa Hojo] I do not regard them as stories of action. One can undoubtedly find more action in animates, but I think that these manga turns more around the human relations and interactions.

[Q: fan] you translate Mokkori for us?

[R: Tsukasa Hojo] (Laughter) That do you think about it?
(笑)你觉得那是什么意思呢? (大家可以去查查这个词是什么意思,CATNJ

[Q:] the details of the weapons of City Hunter and Cat' S Eye are exact. Which type of research do you have make for that?

[R: Nobuhiko Horie] the laws in Japan are rather different from those from here. It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to put the hand on a weapon. Therefore one went with. One engaged an instructor of shooting Tsukasa and me, one had to draw 2000 balls with us two. We are also to go in Guam to request council from Red Nelson who east had had the 3rd place with the championship of national shooting.
日本的法律和这里(美国)非常不同。普通人基本不可能获得任何武器。因此我们找人参与,指导我们射击的动作,我们一共练习了2000发子弹。同时我们也到关岛找到Red Nelson做咨询,他曾获美国射击锦标赛第3名。

Hunting Manga Dreams in the City


Tsukasa Hojo

by Trisha L. Sebastian

Sequential Tart 是一份动漫网络爱好者杂志,他们专门进行各种专访并制作成相关文章。
Coamix. Inc这次联系到了Trisha L. Sebastian,在 Animates Expo 2002期间对Tsukasa Hojo进行了专访。这篇专访最初由Sequential Tart整理发布。Sequential Tart拥有完全的版权。



I was a little intimidated when I stepped into the suite where Tsukasa Hojo was conducting private interviews. In addition to Hojo-san, Nobuhiko Horie, the co-founder of Coamix, Inc. was in the room along with Jonathan Tarbox, the translator for the premiere issue of Raijin Comics #0, a representatives from Gutsoon! Entertainment抯 public relations firm, and an Anime Expo staffer and translator, Angie Shima Karino. I抳e never done an interview in front of so many people before.
在我踏入房间即将对北条司进行专访的时候,我感到了一丝拘促与压力。与北条先生一起接受访问的还有Coamix, Inc的创始人Nobuhiko Horie及Raijin Comics 创刊号的主要翻译Jonathan Tarbox。后者同时也代表了Gutsoon。同时,公司的娱乐公关人员,Anime Expo的员工兼翻译Angie Shima Karino也在场。我从来没有在这么多人面前进行过个人专访。

Dazed, I exchanged business cards with Horie-san, grateful that I remembered the etiquette involved. The following interview was warm and friendly. When there were questions Hojo-san could not answer, Horie-san was able to step in and clarify some remarks. At the end of the interview, I had maybe two more questions to ask, and asked to submit them to Hojo-san later, to which he replied with a laugh, "Don抰 make them so hard." I couldn抰 tell if he was serious or not, but I was told later that he appreciated that I asked so many questions about his work and that I did my homework.

Tsukasa Hojo抯 manga work has spanned 20 years, with titles like Cat抯 Eye, Family Compo, and Neko Manma Okawari. Some of them have been adapted into live-action and anime formats. The title most American audiences would be familiar with is City Hunter which was both an anime and a live action movie as well as a manga. City Hunter will be published in manga format in American for the very first time in Raijin Comics.
北条司从事漫画事业超过20年,以《猫眼三姐妹》、《城市猎人》、《非常家庭》等作品赢得了极高的声誉。这些作品中相当部分都被改编制作为动画甚至真人电影,美国读者最为熟悉的《城市猎人》就是最好的例子。《城市猎人》将由Raijin Comics第一次在美国以漫画的形式出版发行。

Sequential Tart: So when did you know you wanted to become a manga artist?

Tsukasa Hojo: After I became a manga artist. [Laughter] I抳e been drawing since I was little, but I never drew a story; it was just pieces of art. I started to draw a little more in high school but I didn抰 have much speed with the number of drawings, so I didn抰 know that I would be able to do manga.

ST: What kind of manga did you read when you were younger and how would you say that influenced you?

TH: I didn抰 really buy manga [when I was younger]. Right after I was born was when the TV was prevalent in Japan and became more commonplace, and TV animation just started up at that time. I had more influence from TV animation than comics so I grew up watching [shows like] Tetsuwan Atam (Astro Boy. If you were to ask me if there was one favorite, I wouldn抰 be able to name it because at the time, everything was interesting, so I watched everything that was on. I抦 not the only one, [and] all of my friends probably have more knowledge of animation than I do.

ST: Did you study at a formal school after high school?

TH: I did attend a design school, the Kyushu Sangyou Daigaku in the arts division. I actually debuted [as a manga artist] before I graduated when I entered a contest for Shounen Jump for the Tezuka Prize. [Hojo was the runner up.]

ST: What was the very first manga series that you drew?

TH: [It was] Cat抯 Eye.

ST: How did you create it? What was the idea behind it?

TH: [Laughter] To explain it would take a little long...

ST: Two or three sentences?

TH: I was out drinking with my college buddies and that抯 how the idea came about. [Laughter] It started off with the story about a family where the dad and the son are cops and the mom and the daughter were the robbers. But of course the son and dad don抰 know that the other family members are robbers. At night, the mom would be in bed with the dad and asking about [his day] and finding out what happened.

ST: What is the typical work day for you like? How much time do you spend drawing and how much time do you spend writing?

TH: My day usually runs from about eleven thirty in the morning to past one am or two thirty. Of course I eat and drink during that time, too. [Laughter]

ST: Do you have any assistants and if so, what do they do for you?

TH: I have four assistants. [They] handle the finishing of the rough sketches and the scenery.

ST: What kind of art tools do you use? What kind of brushes and pens?

TH: They抮e called 搒poon?pens.

ST: Of the manga series you抳e written, which is your favorite and why?

TH: The one that I抦 working on right now is my favorite. Because I believe that what I抦 working on is the most interesting and most fun, I抦 not able to draw anything is not as interesting as the previous, if not more interesting.

ST: What are you currently working on right now?                                                                     

TH: I抦 doing a weekly comic called Angel Heart.

ST: What is Angel Heart about?

TH: That is a long answer. [Laughter]

ST: How far in the series are you right now?

TH: It抯 been running for about a year and a half.

ST: Can you give a brief summary about the first chapter?

TH: It抯 based on events in City Hunter.

Nobuhiko Horie: It抯 more of a sequel, using the same characters as City Hunter where Ryo was married to Kaori. Unfortunately, she passes away in an accident and her heart gets transplanted into the body of an assassin.

ST: That sounds similar to the movie Return to Me with David Duchovny and Minnie Driver.
听起来和David Duchovny和Minnie Driver主演的《Return to Me》很相似。

TH: My story came first. [Laughter]

NH: Because the assassin has Kaori抯 heart, they start to develop a father-daughter relationship. She抯 only fifteen, but she was raised as an assassin. Basically, although Kaori died, she still lives through the girl.

ST: Is this kind of supernatural story something you find yourself returning to as a theme?

TH: I can抰 decide now. But I have used that kind of theme before in City Hunter, so it抯 not new. In all of my work, it appears somehow.

ST: In addition to using supernatural elements, what other elements do you find yourself using again and again?

TH: I don抰 want to really talk about themes, but probably [the idea of] family [comes up a lot].

ST: What would you say has influenced your art style?

TH: Everything that has caught my eye, I consider an influence.

ST: Do you follow any titles right now and if so, which ones?

TH: No, because I am too busy. Reading manga is tiring. [Laughs]

NH: In Japan, a lot of manga-ka don抰 read other people抯 work. That抯 because what happens when you read other people抯 work, that抯 all that you see and the imagination doesn抰 take off. So a lot of them try and refrain from looking at others?work.

ST: That抯 an interesting difference because I抳e noticed that a lot of American creators read other works.

NH: There抯 a saying in Japanese where basically the meaning is that your ideas are not going to get any greater that what you have already seen. Usually the manga-ka have already seen a lot from when they were young and you get to a point where you have to rely on your own imagination.

ST: When Coamix, Inc. was founded in June 2000, what influenced your decision to join them?
当Coamix, Inc2000年成立的时候,是什么促使了您决定参与其中呢?

TH: [With a look at Horie-san] I wanted to save this very knowledgeable and influential editor from falling to his demise. [Much laughter.] That抯 a joke.

NH: There抯 some truth in that. [Laughs.]

ST: How much input do you have in the material that will be in Raijin Comics?
您对Raijin Comics的工作会有多少实质性的投入呢?

TH: Ultimately, it will be the editor [who chooses]. [Horie-san and I] see each other every day and every day is like a meeting and during those talks, we might say, 揥ell, how about ... ??/p>

ST: I saw the video that was shown at the opening ceremonies and I thought that it was very, very funny. How long did that take to put together?

TH: It was extraordinarily hard — three hours. [Laughter.]

ST: Whose idea was it?

TH: It was the two of us [him and Horie-san] talking.

ST: Will you be appearing at any other conventions this year?

TH: My staff or other people from the company might be [at other conventions], but I will not because I'm very busy.


NH:Nobuhiko Horie  掘江信彦
TH:Tsukasa HOJO  北条司
AK:Akira Kamiya    神谷明    日本男性声优,作品包括:相聚一刻 - 三鹰瞬;名侦探柯南 - 毛利小五郎;城市猎人 - 冴羽獠

北条司访谈系列 专辑一

北条司访谈系列 专辑二

[ 本帖最后由 CatNj 于 2007-7-3 15:24 编辑 ]

Rank: 2

UID 1996
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注册 2007-6-7
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发表于 2007-6-18 21:31  资料  短消息  加为好友 

Rank: 4

UID 1401
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发表于 2007-6-21 13:05  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
还有这个……在会展开幕式时北条未能及时赶到,但是北条制作了一个动画短篇在开幕式上播放,在这个短片中,北条在新宿一间咖啡厅中看着窗外熙攘的人群,随后走向Coamix 大楼,在那里北条看到了原 哲夫 和阿建,然后北条意识到自己要参加Anime Expo而且快要迟到,只好叫了一辆出租车,说:“Expo Animates, 快!”这段短篇效果非常成功。


Rank: 4

UID 1401
精华 6
积分 2604
帖子 1779
阅读权限 100
注册 2006-12-4
状态 离线
发表于 2007-6-21 13:27  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ

ST: That sounds similar to the movie Return to Me with David Duchovny and Minnie Driver.
听起来和David Duchovny和Minnie Driver主演的《Return to Me》很相似。
TH: My story came first. [Laughter]

ST: When Coamix, Inc. was founded in June 2000, what influenced your decision to join them?
当Coamix, Inc2000年成立的时候,是什么促使了您决定参与其中呢?
TH: [With a look at Horie-san] I wanted to save this very knowledgeable and influential editor from falling to his demise. [Much laughter.] That抯 a joke.
NH: There抯 some truth in that. [Laughs.]


[ 本帖最后由 香良 于 2007-6-21 13:29 编辑 ]


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